Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Right now you are the silent majority, if you leave it to future generations, they will become the suffering Minority.

If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.

Your very nature will drive you to fight, the only choice is what to fight against.

The World will make a catastrophic mistake if it believes that Terrorists & Al-Qaeda are the threat.

What is more damaging than the threat of Islam is the apologetic politically correct Governments, Lefties and Media.

Don’t be afraid, be Courageous!

Stand up and speak up!

Truth alone Triumphs!

When you criticize Nazism you are not criticizing the Germans. Similarly criticizing Islam does not mean being racist to Muslims.

ISLAM: Making special demands on the state

Islam demands special treatment of its faith when it is a minority within another country.

• Islamic banking

• Prayer Rooms at work, and all Police Stations (occurred in UK)

• Halaal meat in schools, hospitals and prisons.

• setting up a government advisory board uniquely for Muslims (occurred in USA)

• Permitting Muslim-only living quarters

• setting aside bathing at public swimming baths for Women only (occurred in France)

• banning Hindu and Jews from a Jury service on a case relating to a Muslim (occurred in the UK)

• Changing noise laws to broadcast the (call to prayer) “adhan” (occurred in Hamtramck, Michigan)

• Deeming the religious vilification of Islam to be illegal. (occurred in Australia)

• Punishing anti-Islamic views with court-mandated indoctrination (occurred in Canada)

• Prohibiting families from sending pork or pork-by-products to American soldiers (occurred in Iraq)

• Requiring that female American soldiers wear American government issued head-to-toe robes (abayas). (occurred in Saudi Arabia)

ISLAM: A Predictable Outcome

•Never accords the same respect to other religions as they accept and demand from their religion.

•Islam strongly believes in the governance of Religion and State duties through the Koran and Shariah Law.

•When Muslims gain dominance in a society they frequently punish and even kill those who convert away from Islam. Once Muslims win a country they rarely lose it.

•When in majority suppress and abuse, with legalised discrimination against infidels.

•The treatment of minorities in Muslim societies raises concern among people who are not Muslims. The non-Muslims are frequently limited to second class citizenship.

•Incapable living as a peaceful citizen when a minority.

ISLAM's effect on Thailand

Since the beginning of the year, for example, some 10 per cent of southern Thailand’s Buddhist population have abandoned their homes — a far bigger disruption than the tsunami, yet all but unreported in the Western press.

ISLAMs effect on India

  • From the start of the Islamic invasion of India, in the 7th Century, an estimated 80 Million Hindu’s and Buddhists were killed or forcibly converted.
  • Over 40,000 Hindu and Buddhist temples were destroyed and replaced by Mosques.
  • Over 2 Million Bangladeshi’s, mostly Hindu’s, were killed in a genocide in 1971 by the Pakistani Military.

"The Mohammedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history". The Islamic historians and scholars have recorded with great glee and pride of the slaughters of Hindus, forced conversions, abduction of Hindu women and children to slave markets and the destruction of temples carried out by the warriors of Islam during 800 AD to 1700 AD. Millions of Hindus were converted to Islam by sword during this period.“

"Let it be said right away: the massacres perpetrated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in history, bigger than the holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis; or the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and Portuguese." - Francois Gautier

ISLAM: A Less than Holy Life

“Muhammad's personal background lacks a moral and ethical framework which ultimately reflects poorly on ISLAM.”

Lust for sex.
Affairs with maids and slave girls.
Paedophilic relationship.
Killing sprees and massacres.
Genocides of Jews (Hebrews), Hindu Brahmins (Aryans), Persians (Iranians).
Raids and loots from unarmed villagers.
Destruction of Vedic temples, Religious texts.

ISLAM: Conflicts Around the World

ISLAM: Around the World

•There are over 1.9 billion Muslims today world-wide, over 20% of the world's population.

•one out of every four persons on the planet is a Muslim.“

•There are 35 nations with population over 50% Muslim, and there are another 21 nations that have significant Muslim populations.

•There are 19 nations which have declared Islam in their respective constitutions.

•It is regarded as the fastest growing religion in the world.

•Islam is the second largest religious group in France, Great Britain and the United States (Muslims in the US are 10 Million and Jews are 6 Million).

ISLAM: means ‘Submission’

“Islam advocates the subordination of every sphere of life to religious dogma, including the legal system, politics, economics, and family life;

The word "Islam" means literally: submission.

The individual is not supposed to think independently but to selflessly subordinate himself to the dictates of his religion and its theocratic representatives.

We have seen this before in the West -- it was called the Dark Ages."

ISLAM: A Psychopathic-value based ideology


• Intolerance
• Injustice
• Cruelty
• Absurdities
• Discrimination
• Contradictions
• Religious Conversion
• Submission
• Superiority-Complex


• Democracy
• Freedom of Thought
• Freedom of Expression
• Women’s Rights
• Secularism
• Freedom of Enquiry

ISLAM: Medieval Cult

  • A strict dress-code for women (Hijab/Burkha), also for men.
  • A strict ritualistic slaughter of animals for food. (Halaal).
  • A strong hatred for all other religions and segregated attitude for all.
  • Women are oppressed/suppressed by puritanical sharias.
  • Prohibition of music, songs, dance, TV, Radio, cinemas and games/sports.
  • A political ideology predicated on supreme domination.

ISLAM: Is it just Islam?

•Are there any other countries (Christian / Jewish / Hindu / Buddhist state) where religious persecution and communal and sectarian fights are rampant?

•Are there any religions that have the various Jihadi organizations throughout the world, such as Hamas, Hizbullah, Horkut-ul-Jihad, Jihad-e-Ferdous who are fighting and killing people in the name of religion?

•Are there any other religions which strongly advocates to kill the people of other beliefs?

•Are there any other countries where their people are fighting ‘tooth and nail’ to topple their own democratic Government

•Are there any other counties where thieves, criminals, political prisoners are punished by: lashing by whip (101), stoning to death, chopping heads or hands?

•Are there any other religious icons, like Jesus, Krishna or Buddha, that if someone were to declare “a son of bitch” against , would that person be under the threat of death penalty? -- Would this be possible with the Prophet Muhammad?

ISLAM: What causes the conflict?

•Islam’s internal aspects such as theological and cultural side are not the primary causes of global conflict. -- Rather, the external sociological aspects of religion are the direct causes of global conflict.

It is the business of society to interpret, question, and challenge those aspects of a religion that take a position concerning outsiders.

•If I am the subject of some other religion's doctrine, and such a doctrine states how I am to be treated, what is to be done to me, what I may or may not do freely, then, even though I am not a member of that religion, it does become my business to probe these doctrines and even to demand a change.

•On the other hand, if a religion minds its own business, and has little to say pertaining to me as an outsider, then I should respect its right to be left alone.

ISLAM: Issues it must face

•By declaring all Muslims as one nation and the non-Muslims as another, Muhammad has created the Two Nation Theory, perpetually setting Muslims against non-Muslims.

•Today, Islam has become a dangerous burden for modern civilized societies of every country or Government throughout the world.

•In every “Islamic” country - fundamentalist Muslims are at constant war to capture state power.

•Religion in Islamic countries have become a negative factor in its advancement in science, sport, arts, economics, literature within its Society.

•Islamic countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia have been left behind by the fast growing economies in the East.

ISLAM: What you will hear.

“Islam is peace”.
“Our brothers are being persecuted in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, Bosnia, Kashmir”.
“Islam is the greatest religion of all and the most perfect”.
“It is the fastest growing Religion in the World”.
“You have to read Islam to understand it”.
“Islam is a beautiful religion”.
“Islam is misunderstood and therefore Muslims are being ostracized”.
“The Quran contains all answers to humans problems, and nullifies the need for any other religion.”
"The Koran is being read out-of-context"
“This is not the real Islam”.

“An Appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile – hoping it will eat him last” – Winston Churchill.


•Why does Islam always talk about the “Muslim Nation”?

•Why should we believe that “Islam is peace”?

•What has Shariah Law got to do with my Political constitution?

•Why is there no Gandhi of the Islamic world?

•Why are there no Buddhist/Hindu suicide bombers?

•Why don’t Muslim communities integrate with local communities?

•Why does Islam abhor the Universal values of Freedom and Democracy?

•Why do Muslim’s in minority communities always demand special treatment at schools, work, and in public places?

•Why have Western countries been slow to realise Islam’s bloody history?

•Muslims (and many non-Muslim commentators) want Israel to hand back Palestinians’ Lands. Why then won’t Muslims return the Non-Muslim Lands they dominated back to Non-Muslims?