Tuesday, August 02, 2005

ISLAM: Making special demands on the state

Islam demands special treatment of its faith when it is a minority within another country.

• Islamic banking

• Prayer Rooms at work, and all Police Stations (occurred in UK)

• Halaal meat in schools, hospitals and prisons.

• setting up a government advisory board uniquely for Muslims (occurred in USA)

• Permitting Muslim-only living quarters

• setting aside bathing at public swimming baths for Women only (occurred in France)

• banning Hindu and Jews from a Jury service on a case relating to a Muslim (occurred in the UK)

• Changing noise laws to broadcast the (call to prayer) “adhan” (occurred in Hamtramck, Michigan)

• Deeming the religious vilification of Islam to be illegal. (occurred in Australia)

• Punishing anti-Islamic views with court-mandated indoctrination (occurred in Canada)

• Prohibiting families from sending pork or pork-by-products to American soldiers (occurred in Iraq)

• Requiring that female American soldiers wear American government issued head-to-toe robes (abayas). (occurred in Saudi Arabia)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly, this is a very long list of demands Muslims are having on Western lifestyles.

If they really don't like the Western lifestyle they should return to the Islamic countries where they came from.

A book I throroughly recommend on Islam is Robert Spencer’s "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (And the Crusades)" See my review of it here.
